Boston Logan Airport: Terminal B & C Improvements

We recently had the pleasure of working on multiple projects at Boston Logan International Airport, assisting with roadway and concourse amenities improvements.

In an effort to improve traffic at Boston Logan International Airport, we are working with MassPort, Bond Brothers, and SPS New England on the updates to Terminal B’s entrance roadways. Before these improvements, pickup and drop-off traffic would often back up onto roadways, creating a bottleneck. The Terminal B roadways project will resolve this issue by revamping the terminal area roadways to enhance the passenger experience.

The construction updates include demolition of existing roadway structures, relocation of utilities, installation of new utilities, and lighting & infrastructure for LED wayfinding signage. With a total project investment of approximately $190 million, these changes will create completely new roadways for both departures and arrivals at the airport.

Fenagh’s scope of work includes the following:

  • Onsite Testing & Inspections
    • Concrete
      • Reinforcing steel inspections
      • Concrete sampling and inspections
    • Soils
      • Soils compaction inspections 
  • Multi-discipline
    • Multi-discipline inspector
    • Laboratory testing
      • Concrete compression tests
      • Particle size analysis (sieve)
      • Laboratory compaction characteristics (proctor)
      • Sample pick ups
    • Additional services
      • Pile grout compression tests
      • Pile grout sampling


In addition to the Terminal B entrance roadways project, we recently performed steel welding testing and inspections in Terminal C. For this project, we worked with Einstein Construction, Caruso Turley Scott, LGA Partners, and InMotion Entertainment, on the newly built iStore in the departures area of the concourse.

Fenagh’s scope of work in Terminal C entailed visual steel inspections of partial storefront framing, including visual welding and bolting inspections with one of our CWI inspectors.

Travelers can expect great things from Boston Logan International Airport as they continue to invest in upgrades to their infrastructure and accommodations.

If you’re interested in learning more about this project or any of Fenagh’s services, give us a call or fill out the form below: 1-617-938-3774

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