Los Serranos Transit Access
Chino Hills, California
Description: We worked with Gentry Brothers, Inc. for the construction on Fairway Blvd. in Chino Hills, California, between Yorba Avenue and Carmelita Avenue. The project will construct new sidewalks, curbs, and gutters along the north side of Fairway Boulevard. The construction will also include reconstruction of roadways and residential driveways. In conjunction with this work, private property driveways and landscaping will be restored.
Scope of Work: Fenagh provided soil inspections, which involved observing compaction and density testing of trench backfill. We also performed density testing on sub grade (SG) for curbs, gutters, cross gutters, roadways, sidewalks, and driveways, per the ASTMD1557 test method. Learn more about Fenagh’s services here.