The dynamic uplift resistance (DUR) of a roofing system that includes the roof material, insulation, clips, and fasteners, but not the roof deck, is determined by testing for resistance to outward pressure.
The results from a wind uplift test will provide insight to the structural resistance of a roofing system and ensure it is meeting the wind load design requirements.

Uplift testing also helps identify weaknesses in the roof, helping manufacturers, contractors, engineers, and builders to address the problem areas before a failure can occur.
Value of Testing
• Quality Assurance of Completed Roofs
⬦ Required by Specifications
⬦ Recommended and Sometimes Required by Insurers
⬦ Directed by Owner or Roof Manufacturer
⬦ Questionable Construction and Peace of Mind
• Assessment of Wind Damage to Roofs
• Determine Roof’s Wind Resistance:
⬦ Prior to Event- Predictive Testing
⬦ Post Event- Reactive Testing
Types of Roofs
• Adhered Roofing Systems (Membrane adhered):
⬦ Built-up, Smooth, or Gravel Surfaced
⬦ Modified Bitumen
⬦ Single Ply
⬦ Sprayed Polyurethane Foam
⬦ Coating Systems
• Mechanically Attached:
⬦ Base Sheets and Reinforced Single Ply

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